Book a Free 20-minute

Q&A Session

Do you make good money but…

  • You have nothing to show for it at the end of the month. 💸
  • Feel overwhelmed 🫠 and don’t know what to do.
  • You’re not saving or paying off debt like you want to.
  • You ignore your finances, hoping they will correct themselves.
  • You’re worried about having ‘enough’ to retire someday. 🏖️


  • You want to enjoy your life now and in the future (no rice 🍚 and beans 🫘).
  • You don’t want to feel like you are on a financial diet 🍽️ (no one likes restrictions 🚫).
  • You don’t want to be yelled at or called an idiot 🤡 for financial decisions (no shame here 🥰).
  • You want guidance from a real couple 👩‍❤️‍👨 who understands you and who has done this themselves.

Sound Familiar?

You should book a FREE Q&A call!

On this call…

We’ll ask you specific questions to help you identify what is going on in your financial life.

You’ll discover what next steps you need to take with your money.

You’ll feel more confident in your money.

Wait! Before you schedule…

If you’re wanting a get-rich-quick-scheme, we’re not your people.

This is a video call, so make sure you’re in a quiet place with good wifi (and few distractions).

How To Schedule

Choose Your Coach

Select a Date & Time

Add Contact Info

Get Excited!

Okay, let’s schedule!

See you soon!