How I was able to get $789 of product for less than $5 1. Keep receipts.2. Always ask for the name of the person you’re talking to.3. Don’t be afraid to call again.4. Ask out of the box questions.5. Ask about shipping.6. Stand up for yourself.The Bottom Line:...
Table of ContentsHow to Save Money on Your Phone BillHere’s a quick comparison chart of all 3 major cell phone carriers:VerizonAT&TT-MobileBest Advise for choosing one of the Big ThreeWhy you can save more with MVNOs:Drawbacks of Mobile Virtual Network Operators...
Spring is ALMOST here! Spring Break will be coming soon along with St. Patrick’s Day. March is a great month to do spring-cleaning, start a garden, and make some big purchases (if you’re in the market). What should I buy in the month of March? We always...