Discovering Where Your Time Really Goes: A Personal Time Audit Experiment
Have you ever wondered where your time goes?1. We aren’t meant to clock our hours.2. Every week looks different. 3. Time can feel fast and slow. 4. I was spending too much time on some things.5. I recognized I wasn’t making time for some things that I wanted to.6....
Is ‘Your Rich BFF’ Really Your BFF? A Financial Coach’s Honest Review
Let’s start with what I enjoyed in this book:1. Rich people think differently than broke people.2. Find a good job. 3. How to ask for a raise.4. Values-Based Spending. There were some things I just didn’t love or 100% agree with inside this book. 6 Things I...
From Damaged Pots to a Kitchen Jackpot: 6 Negotiation Tips that Work
How I was able to get $789 of product for less than $5 1. Keep receipts.2. Always ask for the name of the person you’re talking to.3. Don’t be afraid to call again.4. Ask out of the box questions.5. Ask about shipping.6. Stand up for yourself.The Bottom Line:...